Sea Stars World Rescue
Sea Stars: World Rescue is a sequel to the original endless runner, Sea Stars.
I was responsible for most of the environment art in this game. Being an endless runner, we had to build the environment in a way to be tileable so that an endless world could be generated. So each chunk of the environment needed to seamlessly mesh together with the others.
Each map was constructed out of several layers. Below water there is a foreground, mid ground and background layer. Above water was broken up the same way. These layers allowed us to more easily tile the environment chunks together while also giving us the ability to have more randomness in the generated environments.
Below is the three different biomes I worked on. The Great Barrier Reef, Adriatic Ocean and Atlantic Ocean.
I did not create the interactive water layer. Credit to John Dyer for that.
Here’s video of each biome in motion. I was not responsible for creating the characters seen here, or the water.
I was also responsible for creating the environments in each biomes node map. I made everything seen here except for the animals and the nodes along the path.